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Numero item Nome
51377 51377 Wheel 18mm D. x 14mm Spoked
51378 51378 Wheel Technic Street Bike (8420)
51661 51661 Wheel 72 x 34 RC Inner Tire Support Ring
54086 54086 Wheel Cover 5 Spoke without Center Stud - 35mm D. - for Wheels 54087, 56145 or 44292
54086pb01 54086pb01 Wheel Cover 5 Spoke without Center Stud - 35mm D. - with Red Edge
54087 54087 Wheel 30.4mm D. x 20mm with No Pin Holes
55423c01 55423c01 Train Wheel RC Train, Spoked with Technic Axle Hole and Rubber Friction Band
55817 55817 Wheel Wagon Viking with 12 Holes (55mm D.)
55817pb001 55817pb001 Wheel Wagon Viking with 12 Holes (55mm D.) with Checkered on Top, Eagle Head and 'Racingbird' on Sides Pattern (Stickers) - Set 31094
55817pb002 55817pb002 Wheel Wagon Viking with 12 Holes (55mm D.) with Apple Slices, Cookies, Cherries, Mint Leaves, Strawberry, Chocolate, Banana, and Seafood Pattern (Stickers) - Set 41393
55889 55889 Wheel 18 x 14 Smooth
55889pb001 55889pb001 Wheel 18 x 14 Smooth with White Moustache Pattern (King Bob-omb)
55981 55981 Wheel 18mm D. x 14mm with Pin Hole, Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes
55982 55982 Wheel 18mm D. x 14mm with Axle Hole, Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes
56145 56145 Wheel 30.4mm D. x 20mm with No Pin Holes and Reinforced Rim
56902 56902 Wheel 18mm D. x 8mm with Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes
56903 56903 Wheel 18mm D. x 8mm with Fake Bolts and Shallow Spokes and Axle Hole
56904 56904 Wheel 30mm D. x 14mm (for Tire 43.2 x 14)
56908 56908 Wheel 43.2mm D. x 26mm Technic Racing Small, 6 Pin Holes
57519 57519 Technic Tread Sprocket Wheel Large
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