List Minifig

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Numero item Nome Anno
2327pb28 2327pb28 Duplo 2 x 2 x 2 Figure Brick, Red Base With Yellow and Red Polka Dot Scarf, White Face with Eyelashes, Black Female Hair

Duplo-> Basic Set
2327pb29 2327pb29 Duplo 2 x 2 x 2 Figure Brick, Black Base with Two Buttons, Gray Hair, White Face with Moustache

Duplo-> Basic Set
2327pb33 2327pb33 Duplo 2 x 2 x 2 Figure Brick, Black Base with Police Pattern, White Head with Moustache, Brown Male Hair

Duplo-> Basic Set
2327pb34 2327pb34 Duplo 2 x 2 x 2 Figure Brick, Dog, Black Base with Collar, Black Hair with Ears, White Dog Face

Duplo-> Basic Set
2327pb35 2327pb35 Duplo 2 x 2 x 2 Figure Brick, Red Base with Number 1 Race Pattern, White Head, Brown Male Hair

Duplo-> Basic Set
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