List Minifig

Numero item Nome Anno
hol053 hol053 Female Dark Purple Blouse with Gold Sash and Flowers Pattern, Dark Purple Legs, Dark Brown Bob Cut Hair

Holiday-> Valentine's Day
hol054 hol054 Businessman Pinstripe Jacket and Gold Tie, Dark Blue Legs, Black Short Tousled Hair, Lopsided Smile, Stubble Beard

Holiday-> Valentine's Day
hol083 hol083 Girl, Bright Pink Top with Butterflies and Flowers, Dark Purple Legs, Dark Brown Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe

Holiday-> Valentine's Day
hol084 hol084 Boy, Bright Light Blue Hoodie with White Star, Dark Blue Legs, Medium Dark Flesh Hair Short Tousled with Side Part

Holiday-> Valentine's Day
hol113 hol113 Bride (40197)

Holiday-> Valentine's Day
hol114 hol114 Groom (40197)

Holiday-> Valentine's Day