List Minifig

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Numero item Nome Anno
col162 col162 Toy Soldier

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col227 col227 Zombie Skateboarder

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col261 col261 Warrior - King with Fleur de Lis Vest, Crown, Dark Brown Beard

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col262 col262 Warrior - Male, Karate Dress with Black Belt, Dark Brown Hair, Scarred Eye

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col263 col263 Warrior - Female with Scale Mail, Reddish Brown Skirt, Bright Light Yellow Hair, Silver Lips

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col264 col264 Warrior - Male with Bandoliers, Dark Tan Legs with Patch, Fedora Hat

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col265 col265 Musician - Female, Blouse with Gold Sash and Flowers, Lavender Skirt, Bright Light Yellow Hair

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col266 col266 Musician - Male, Vest with Fringe over Lime Top with Pink and Blue Swirl, Black Bushy Hair

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col267 col267 Musician - Male, White Vest with Dark Purple Open Shirt, Dark Purple Pants with Silver Trim

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
col268 col268 Musician - Female, White Top with Rainbow Stars, Red Legs, Dark Azure Ponytail and Swept Sideways Fringe, Blue Lips

Collectible Minifigures-> (Other)
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